FoL 27 - Dead Chat

Wrong, it’s “Lastname”, the spreadsheet confirms it.


Chloe could probably do it if she stays in people’s towncore

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squid is getting away with literally doing nothing

alice is getting away with being alice because shes alice

nappy is conftown



Amy “Egregious” Lastname

a wonderful name


Although I don’t think Alice will survive much longer

She’ll live 'till around D4 is Unseen hasn’t won by then.

Unless possessed dies tonight

is it me being salty if i want to modify bounty to where it doesn’t just make lynching the bountied target the optimal play ten times out of ten

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is EVO jailed

Italy got day occed

ah yes you can day occ the prince, forgot about that

that’s uh, balanced and okay, i guess


i wouldnt mind bounty being unusable N1

everybody knew you were town but lolbounty

which is really dumb

i mean
im looking for second opinion as i have valid reason to be bias for changing bounty

Although tbf
Nappy bountied drybones N1 but got converted


i was totally gonna claim a bounty on EVO and get him killed because hes not being obvi-town when hes usually obvi-town

and it woulda worked too

vulgard has to redeem himself or ill be mildly disappointed in him

Inb4 nappy bounties him and gets him killed

he probably will because vulgard made a few questionable posts in the middle of his blatant townposts and people are tunneling that as “LOL VULGARD CONVERT” when they shouldnt give a shit about the convert yet?

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wazza just refusing to bleed was the most idiotic move

Also marshal wasted dose on him lamo