FoL 27 - Dead Chat

they’re all in stage one of The Amy Effect somehow

making every hunter claim bleed was dumb too

i mean
if they had wazza bleed me and then lynch me
that would be a valid moveTM

only because of the colors, would’ve edited out the colors but lolmobile


this is with no formatting

Flavor when


i had a lot of problems with log length in sfol58 and fol26 so i kinda recognize what 1000 characters looks like now :eyes:

but yea
honestly mass claiming is insanely optimal no matter what

both scum facs need some form of not insignificant anti-claim

unseen are ridiculously strong now

prince needs to be able to not claim

Italy would have died N1 if Chloe wasn’t occed

give scum a free anytime unstoppable vig shot on a prince :^)

they can basically already do this now

Imperial Ballista time

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It’s clear we just change the scum faction to SFoL58 HoB

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does line
give starting assassin/cl to option between a 3 shot claim vig that can be used along night actions or bleed

like if you play ToL

Sage/Ritualist are top tier converts for a reason

you get free prince kills

they’re even freer in FoL with Tavernkeep!MM

I have solved the log problem

I may have done it in the dumbest way possible but I did it

i still can’t connect to tol and i refuse to talk to them


fair i guess

but swapping the prince with random nerd #6 and attacking random nerd #6 = almost guaranteed prince kill