FoL 29 - Deadchat


No they would not

okayokay new theory

PKR got converted N1 because ‘haha flowchart printer go brrr’

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Also goddamn it Arete, I have spicy logs

they left kat alive over me and arete cuz nobody fuckin knows how to read kat

kat dies today

sad chloe noises

༼ つ ◕ . ◕ ༽つ KATZE TAKE MY ENERGY ༼ つ ◕ . ◕ ༽つ

why do I even care, I’m not town

also i stg if i get another joat class

im going to kill someone

first stargazer
now this
please stop

kat got joat in anni and might have gotten joat here :^)

Joat sisters

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because kat is my sister and kat is good and we love kat

also you were right about vul
and uh

ive adopted you as a member of the town
congrats welcome

dude thats cute af wtf

Cult killed me

therefore I’m anti-Cult

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fun fact I TMI’d myself NK multiple times :^)

okay so with AT not being fool

we have a fool still alive

is pkr fool
trying to avoid a vul elim?

nah probably just seeker

/dayvig PKR

boom bye scum

Actually, I would still have redirected Italy so Vulgard is definitely groupscum

oh yeah
arete i was mad at you for removing yourself from Prince PoE by asking for SF

but lolnk

I mean Vulgard defended Italy last day

He wouldn’t know he is maid so yeah

I’d admit my internet went a bit slow from too much replying so everything was delayed