SFoL Grand Idea Class Thread V2


Mitochondrion of Sauron :shield: :fire:

Mafia Special
Powerhouse of the Cell (Passive) - Immune to death at night and occupation (although not target changing). You may at any time before your death pick another Mafia member to become the new Mitochondrion, swapping your class with theirs. Doing so wastes 1 use from Mitochondrial Biogenesis and theirs limited-use abilities. Any limited uses of abilities you or they wasted won’t be regained. You can’t pick your sucessor if you don’t have uses of Mitochondrial Biogenesis.
Kiss-and-run Exocytosis (Passive) - If, at any time, the Mafia finds themselves without a Mitochondrion, the faction is renamed to Monocercomonoides.
Supravital Staining (Passive) - You know, at the start of the game, how many factions there are.
Celular Differentiation (Night) - Change target player into the Mafia version of their class. If you have failed to convert a target twice already and your next conversion would fail it will instead target a random convertible player. - Infinite uses, 1 night cooldown
Mitochondrial Biogenesis (Night) - Make all actions from the Mafia bypass occupation and healing tonight - 3 uses.

Your objective is to defeat the Town, the other scum factions and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.




Neutral Special
True Name (Passive) - All players are designated a True Name. You must know a True Name in order to kill your target using the Death Note.
Delete (Passive) - Your targets will die bypassing immunity. You will not leave home in order to kill.
Talk (Day Ability) - Talk To a player, making them trust you. If they investigate you, you will be seen as Town. They won’t be able to kill or do anything negative to you - Infinite Uses
Terrify (Day Ability) - Terrify a player. They will be occupied tonight unless targeting you - Infinite Uses
Trust (Night Ability) - Learn a players’ True Name. This can only be done if they Trust you (if you have talked to them) - Infinite Uses
DeathNote (Night Ability) - Write a name down in your Death Note. They will be killed immediately, preventing use of their Night Ability. They will be revealed to have died at morning - Infinite Uses
Survive to clean the world of Neutrals and Evils.


Eyes of Sauron :shield: :fire:

oH GoD oh Fuck.
Mafia Special
Dark Lord (Passive) - You are invincible to all means of death besides attacks from the bearer of the Ring, and lynching. You appear as Blue Dragon to faction checks. At the start of the game, if there is not already a ringbearer, give a random BD player the One Ring.
Dark Magic (Passive) - If you perform the factional kill, it will not count as a visit.
Eyes on you (Passive) - You can perform 2 actions each night, and 2 actions each day.
In the Darkness Bind Them (Day) - Disable the effects of the Ring for the coming night and receive a list of five players, one of which holds the ring. [2 Uses]
Willpower (Night) - Target a member of the mafia, their ability will be empowered tonight. This does not apply to the factional kill. [Infinite Uses]
Corrupt (Night) - Kill a member of the mafia in order to convert a player to your faction as a new Eye of Sauron. This ability will not fail. [2 Uses]
One Ring to Rule Them All (Night | Ring) - If you hold the ring, you may target a player, occupying them and learning their class card. [Infinite Uses]
Your objective is to defeat the Town, the other scum factions and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.




Blue Dragon Support

Floundering (Passive) - Due to being out of water, you have no abilities to speak of. Somehow you are still alive.

Defeat the scumfactions and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.





Blue Dragon Offensive
Earthling (Passive) - Due to screaming at your own ass, you have no abilities to speak of. Somehow you can still talk. But since you are a terrestrian animal, if the thread ever becomes flooded (10,000 posts), you will die due to drowning.

Defeat the scumfactions and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.



The Gambler

Blue Dragon Killer
Gambler’s Fallacy (Day): Whenever a player abuses mathematical or probability-based arguments, e.g. by using the Gambler’s Fallacy, you may quote them in your rolecard. Doing so will strongman dayvig them. You may do this an unlimited number of times each day.
Defeat the scumfactions and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.





Neutral Killer
Impenetrable Shell (Passive) - You are bulletproof. This shell is not invincible as you think it is, however. If an effect causes a day or night to be skipped, you will lose it permanently.
Master of Stealth (Passive) - Trackers, watchers and moviment sensor-like effects won’t detect your presence.
Creepy Little Claws (Day) - Select a player and rake them. They will lose all immunities they may have. - 2 uses.
Tail Whip (Night) - Embrace a player with your tail, roleblocking them. You can use this action alongside Inner Jaw. - Infinite Uses.
Inner Jaw (Night) - Kill target player. If they were also Tail Whipped, they won’t be able to be ressurected by any means. - Infinite Uses.
Kill everyone else.




Neutral Killer
Environmental Hardening (Passive) - Death immune.
Mysterious Strain (Passive) - If you are visited, you will Infect the visitor. Whoever you visit will be Infected.
Vital Vial (Day) - Infect target player and anyone who uses day abilities on them for the rest of the day. 2 uses
Mutate (Night) - Raise a player’s Infection level up to maximum, killing them.
Last Strain (Night) - Kill yourself to have a random Infected become the new Parasite 1 use, shared
Defeat the Town teams, scum teams, and other Neutral Killers. Alternatively, have the secondary Parasite win.

Every night, at the end of the night, all Infected, except for the Parasite, gain a new level of Mutation.
Mutation Effects:
1 (Starting) - You will lose all passives.
2 - Anyone visiting you will become Infected. You cannot be healed.
3 - You die.


Religion Leader

Renamed Cult Leader



Renamed Invoker



Renamed Acolyte



Renamed Seeker



Renamed Apostle



Renamed Ritualist

595 - 600 are all members of the Religion faction, who have the standard scum wincon.



The AntiClaimer

Blue Dragon Social
No Claiming (Passive) - If anyone (except :crown:) claims their true class or mechanics, they will be vanilla-ized, but you will gain 1 use of limited abilities.
Allow Claim (Day) - Allow a player to claim without No Claiming to take effect for 1 cycle 0 uses
Force Claim (Day) - Force a player to claim. If they do not, they will be modkilled. No Claiming will not take affect. 0 uses
Claimsader (Night) - Kill a player that has claimed. You will gain 1 use of limited abilities if successful. Inf use
Defeat the Scum Teams, Neutral Killers, and any neutrals you cannot win with

Converts into The Anticlaimer


The Anticlaimer

Unseen/Cult Killer
No Claiming (Passive) - If anyone (except :crown:) claims their true class or mechanics, they will be modkilled.
Retaination (Passive) - Retain any uses of abilities that you have not used.
Force Claim (Day) - Force a player to claim. If they do not, they will be modkilled. [Force Claim] uses
Claim Power (Night) - Kill a player. [Allow Claim] uses
Defeat the town teams, scum teams, and any neutrals you cannot win with


Really Bad Doctor

Scum Killer
Medical Degree (Passive) - You will appear to be a random healer, determined by you at the start of the game. You will still appear to be evil.
Practice Medicine (Night) - Kill a player. This will appear to be a heal. Inf use
Complete your faction’s goal


Mafia Hitman

Mafia Offensive

Eye on You (Passive) - The factional kill is strongman and ninja on players who have claimed. When you die you may kill a player of your choice.

Defeat all threats to the Mafia.


The Broken Telepathy

Town Social

tr[ee] st[u]mp(passive) - After dying, you will not be added to deadchat and instead will be able to speak in main chat. However, you are only able to use vowels while speaking. Any use of punctuation or constonants will result in you losing this passive.

Broken telepathy(day) - You may send a message through the hosts to the main chat. However, the host can choose to remove any letters from the message at their will. For example, “Marshal Is scum” could be interpreted as “I cum”(inf uses, can only be used 5 times a day)
town wincon

Converts into 606


The Busted Telepathy

Mafia Social

tr[ee] st[u]mp(passive) - After dying, you will not be added to deadchat and instead will be able to continue to speak in scum chat. However, you are only able to use vowels while speaking. Any use of punctuation or constonants will result in you losing this passive.

Broken telepathy(day) - You may send a message through the hosts to the main chat. However, the host can choose to remove any letters from the message at their will. For example, “Marshal Is scum” could be interpreted as “I cum”.(inf uses, can only be used 5 times a day)
scum wincon



Mafia Special
All class card effects who can target geyde can target u
Defeat all threats to the Mafia.


Wait this ain’t Salem

Town Social
This ain’t Salem! (Passive) - You are revealed Day 1. If you die, all town members get 1 secret vote for a second day lynch, and they keep this even after death. The votes for the 2nd lynch will not be revealed.
Beyond the Grave (Passive) - You can use abilities while dead.
Double Votes! (Day) - Double all votes on a player in the 2nd lynch. Can only use this while dead. 3 uses
Defeat all threats to your faction


The Ritualist

Blue Dragon Killer
Sacrificial Offering (Passive) - You can only kill Blue Dragon members. If you kill a Non-Blue Dragon player, you will commit suicide. For every Blue Dragon you kill, gain a use of limited abilities.
Kidnap (Day) - Occupy target player this night, bypassing immunity. You will kill them at the end of the night. Inf uses
Judge (Day) - End the day early. If the wagon with the most votes is non-Blue Dragon, they will be lynched. Otherwise, they will be kept alive. 0 use
Gruesome Ritual (Night) - Kill a player. Inf uses
Spirit Blast (Night) - Kill 2 players, ignoring Sacrificial Offering. 0 uses
Defeat all threats to the Blue Dragon

Converts into The Ritualist/The Ritualist


The Ritualist

Unseen Killer
Sacrificial Offering (Passive) - You can only kill Unseen members. If you kill a Non-Unseen player, you will commit suicide. For every Unseen you kill, gain a use of limited abilities. Keep all uses of your previous abilties.
Un-Promotion (Passive) - You will not promote into any other classes, except for the :crown:.
Kidnap (Day) - Occupy target player this night, bypassing immunity. You will kill them at the end of the night. Inf uses
Judge (Day) - End the day early. If the wagon with the most votes is non-Blue Dragon, they will be lynched. Otherwise, they will be kept alive. 0 use
Gruesome Ritual (Night) - Kill a player. Inf uses
Spirit Blast (Night) - Kill 2 players, ignoring Sacrificial Offering. 0 uses
Defeat all threats to the Unseen


Watermelon Ice

Neutral Social
Town Power? (Passive) - If you are visited by town members, you will impulsively kill them. If you are voted by the town, you will kill one at night, at random.
No-Vote Scum (Day) - Make all scum votes count as 0 for today. They will still appear to be voting. If this causes the lynch to transfer elsewhere, everyone will be alerted. 2 uses
Ice Shower (Day) - Send this message to everyone: “An Ice Shower is happening!” Anyone who leaves their room will be announced tomorrow. 2 uses
Watermelon Ice (Night) - Prevent target player from talking tomorrow. They can still vote in their classcard. If they are town, prevent their vote as well. Inf uses
See the Scum Teams lose the game.


Frisk :heart:

Neutral Special
Determination (Passive) - Your abilities are empowered when targeting an evildoer. In addition, an ITA session is opened that only you can successfully shoot any target. You will be sided with a random alignment or neutral.
But it Refused (Passive) - You cannot be Killed by any means. If you are attacks and would die, the message But it Refused will be given to both yourself and the attacker. You are not protected from lynching.
Stick (Day ability) - Equip your stick. Your next attack will always succeed in killing your target - Infinite Uses.
Bandage (Day ability) - Reapply the bandage. Your target will be healed - Infinite Uses
Made of LOVE (Night ability) - Attack a player - Infinite Uses
Date (Night ability) - Visit a player… for no reason - Infinite Uses
Prevent the [alignment] from losing the game, and protect your own SOUL at all costs.

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The MafiaScum Jake

Scum Social
Vanilla 100% (Passive) - You appear to have no abilities nor passives.
Deathtunnel’d (Passive) - If anyone accuses you without accusing anyone else in a day, they will commit suicide.
Forced LHF (Day) - Send a player the following message: “You must now accuse X for the rest of the day. Failure to do so, or revealing you received this message ever will cause you to commit suicide. You cannot state that you got this in your logs.” All of these statements will be enforced. They will not be affected by Deathtunnel’d. - 3 uses
Nightkill (Night) - If none of your other teammates are killing, you may kill a player tonight. Inf use
Perform your faction’s wincon

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The Masonry Intruder

Neutral Social
Mason (Passive) - You are included in all private chats, except the scumteam’s chat.
Survive to have at least one other player in one of your mason chats live

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