FoL 30 - Dead Chat

ah yes I did nothing n1 and did nothing n2! noice!!

damn i thought gorta was prince

I think lynching derps is probs misplay as hes probs bad town or Neutral, We want GS out here

You’re probably right.
There’s nothing tho they can really do about a townie who really isn’t feeling like playing…

inb4 Derps is GS and then they convert CRich night 3

Ah yes!
How could we have forgotten about association!

O :

I love how we forgot to add people to deadchat after getting yeeted


don’t get your hopes up too quick

For one you guys haven’t solved the game. The Serial Killer is still roaming around and even we (as an evil faction) haven’t found them

SK ? this aint ToS BRO

its a common definition for a solo killer role that needs to murder everyone to win

we are quite a few BD down here :frowning: we needed some good news

paper mario good

thats all


btw, I don’t decide who kills for the evil faction. The assassin makes the final decision.

well the good news is one of the BDs is getting converted XD

u mean paradox :wink: