FoL 30 - Dead Chat

Inb4 he GTs CRich

If someone wants watch a polish concert for some weird reason.

It’s probably more interesting than current thread state anyway.

This is saddening, welcome LIght.

These are very thoughtful logs

What can I say, guy’s got style.

For some reason, I think Seth is gonna attack here…

It’s Seth lmao

I actually wouldn’t be surprised here tbh


seth is being HHed
the NK is not attacking to frame seth

NK not attacking? That’s a risky move

Ohh I see, interesting. Then they’ll know it’s not seth since he HH’d

Probably yeh…

I swear, if we actually pull out a win here I’m going to use this as my main account.

Who are you anyways

me :slight_smile:

take a guess

you are katze

I think I’ve accidentally been entirely too obvious, but perhaps not.