FoL Definition Book

That was Maxi : P

Pretty sure on that.

I’ll consider making it a wiki later.
Not something I feel like directly addressing now

Fleshing those out.

Forum of Lies Relevant Definitions

Bleed - Negative status effect, almost always inflicted by non-town (barring Hunter). Players inflicted will die in two nights unless healed. This will kill them bypassing death immunity.

Conversion - Alignment change. Caused by Mastermind or Cult Leader. Converted players will gain a new role.

Convert Immune - Immunity to conversion. All neutrals, kings, and the Prince have it. Conversion immunity can be applied by certain effects.

Contract - Name for the Mercenary’s targets. The Mercenary needs to keep at least one alive until the end of the game. Contracts can be Blue Dragon (good faction) [cannot be prince or king] or any type of evil.

Cult Alt - When a Blue Dragon is converted into the cult, they may choose some abilities to keep when being converted. Certain abilities will be entirely new effects to suit the transition.

Frame - Framed players will appear as an Unseen or Cult Killer depending on the game type.

Invest - Short for Invest. All investigative abilities in the setup will receive feedback.

Occupy - Roleblock by another name. Occupied players may not perform night actions. Often shortened to ‘occ’

King - The King is a role that always has a doublevote and cannot be investigated to determine their alignment. If evil, they will not know the identities of their partners.

Lich (Phylactery)
Ice Ward
Investigative Feedback
Conversion Cooldown

This is a wiki.

Celeste - Margaret’s previous account name. Often used to reference Margaret, causing confusion in new players.

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The above post is a wiki :^)
Please use it

@Solic can you make the OP a wiki?
Also possibly pin


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