[FoL] EFoL 3 - Cult Wins

To be completely serious. I decided to track Alice. The first time I just said track Alice instead of using the fancy /stalk command so I fixed that and then um

Solic said she visited Kyo


I decided to track instead of watch, because in order for watch to be useful, I actually have to guess a kill target. I’m terrible at that. I chose track because I could just track my scumreads and see if they do anything sus?

Why do you think Alice visited Kyo n1?

If it is, nobody is claiming it.

I dunno I’m not Alice

All her actions don’t look like she’d randomly give them to a BD?

yes but you have to find alice somewhat suspicious.

I did find Alice somewhat suspicious

How then explain yourself

Alice was a hard read for me. Usually when I’m an invest I try to use my abilities ok players that are hard to read or experienced players.

I had a gut scumread on Alice, plus her refusals on explaining why she thought Kape was scummy, and her changing her mind from Magnus Kape was really weird.

Well I’m gonna do a pro gamer move and say that I debbed Alice to Htm n1. She couldn’t have visited Kyo, unless you, the possessor, made her do that.


What the fuck

You are caught red handed.

Hey can I ask something because I just caught up, so why did people scumread KyoDaz when Alice visited him? There was like 4 or 5 votes before he claimed. Like theres two theories with Alice’s flip that it was tampered and most likely killed by cult/NK or she got killed by a NK or TK that hasnt claimed it and the flip is real. So with converts gone what was potential Cult Alice gonna do to Kyo that made him evil. And if she wasnt tampered what’s wrong with Alice visiting him. He didnt die. So it’s not like we can say oh she was the killer and she didnt convert (since those are N2 onwards). Sulits check of Alice going to KyoDaz, prob is way less insignificant then five or so votes on Sulit wager it is.

Okay. I’m not caught red handed. That’s what I did last night.

Why did you decide to deb Alice to htm

I don’t have to explain anything to a Possessor.

Okay. So you didn’t come up with a good story.

Sulit did u see Alice go to Kyo or the other way around

Alice go to kyo

Yeah so I dont get why there are scumreads to you or Kyo through that whole interaction. A dead person going to a prince doesnt give us much either way.

@Kape wanna explain why u were or others are though

I believe Alice got strung to Kyo and either a Knight Guard or a Hunter Bear killed her. Which is why I expect Sulit to drop Poss.