[FoL] EFoL 3 - Cult Wins

Oh we will attack, Frost

BD would Auto-Concede at this point as they have no way to win.

NK still exists

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Yeah but your Cult Target as well? I need both to use Steroids you know.

There’s still an NK out there somewhere

So who’s the NK

Once I get the priestes vote sure

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not it

I assume astand.

Priestess vote already pleaseeee

imagine this was one big brain play to get you guys to think im the nk

im not nk fuck

i mean ahaha i am nk lynch me exe edee

I refuse to attempt to deduce the NK because their survival is the only way BD has a chance of winning

Found our nk

Screw it, can we kill King today and just get me King tomorrow @DatBird?

ily dat


I really can’t win as Alch here.

Neut king works differently here