[FoL] EFoL 3 - Cult Wins

yeah i remember one has from somewhere


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it also won in two of your turbos


Also: To clarify any confusion, INQ did not roll this game.

Can you stop talking in big text, it’s scary.


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So controversial opinion seeing how the average is around five. I loved all the changes, it thought they made for a more fun experience.

So raw feedback of the top of mine

Inquisitor- love him. He worked until we concluded that sog/kai were a scorned and Wazza claimed neut. After that the floodgates were open for MASSCLAIM DAY 2. So realistically it did its job until people felt safe when realistically they werent. And Wazza no offense made a rather great discovery for scum team. If people beleive the one neut is an impossibility they will claim. So claiming neut as scum will be more worth it but risky since I’m mentioning it. It also discourages claiming neut as BD sorry Priestess and now Wazza since spreading misinformation is what the inq needs to win. If BD are convinced they are safe from it they will make bad plays. I think he may need a buff in the killing department but we will see when he rolls. I think he will be a great addition to FOL

Now these last two seem more divided than inq. And that’s where does FOL stop being forum TOL. Now day 1 lynch’s are the mehhest to me in the fact that if town mislynches thsy are really set back, and if cult is lynched that made scum a whole lot harder, making both sides extremely swingy. Now other than that it makes the game faster which imo is fine but some may disagree that we need to strive for longer games. The thing is, day 1 can be the exact same but longer, if we implement a no lynch vote for day 1 only, but give them the option to lynch if they really feel they caught a scum. I would love to see that tried but idk maybe I’m the only one who likes change. but complains about it otherwise.

Now logs. Honestly they dont do much for the game. U may feel differently, but let me explain. Currently theres 4 types of logs. No log, just ur actions, realists, and a combo of the last two. Realistically I usually do the fourth one, but through my town games I have noticed almost no one reads what I have to say. At most they look at the actions and give no crap about the reads. Cause if they did I have pointed out whole scum teams, and I gave exact things people should do if I die. But no one reads them or just ignores those bits. I have noticed over games how meaningless they are unless someone flips scum oddly or someone who didnt get to out their info in time died. So I propose another change that Arete and I mentioned earlier, if u want the long reads lists dead, make logs have a character limit. Realistically you could have all that info on the table before you die on what ur reads and actions(as long as it ain’t day 2 :eyes:) and logs wouldnt be needed. I dont think we need them but idc if they stay.

Overall I think the game could grow more from reworking or keeping these ideas instead of not changing at all. But I know I’m the minority here, I’m scum haha. But yeah I think this was successful and fun and I know no ones gonna agree with me

that’s a fair way to balance

if it isn’t broken why fix it

Why fear change when you can make it fear you :stuck_out_tongue:

i just realized . . . it’s a week until my 3/4 birthday
wow time flies

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Wow happy 3 or 4th birthday /s

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Imo we should run a EFOL 3.5. So we have another chance to hope inq rolls, see if adding a no lynch options helps day 1 only that way it’s a in between of this and how it is in normal FOL. And limit logs character wise but keep them. Even making it like 500 or 250 words could be fine. It’s not like ur keeping a scroll on you but just a piece of parchment


And it gives time while NFOL runs to balance the setup a bit more

Happy 3 Quarters Day!

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I cant like this for 22 minutes

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Did a goverment official actually say that

that’s the dumbest thing to ever say lmao

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Nevermind I looked it up and it’s a reference to a movie apparently

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