[FoL] EFoL 3 - Cult Wins

I think this here might be a slip of self-awareness.

Yes but how have I been inconsistent.

Why should someone call it out with nothing to back them.

If I’ve not been inconsistent that means i’ve been consistent

it’s not rocket science

I think this post here should have made pretty clear that you are inconsistent :wink:

LOL you really want to go there?

You do realise no lynch and being careful with voting is a diffrent thing?


Takes something I say and runs with it



You trying to scramble for any inconsistent posts that you can find now @anon97870008

You’ve been amusing to say the least wouldn’t want you to stop here.

Can someone else say something… this discussion with a probably BD LHF is boring…

How am I supposed to write up a wallpost of reads when only four other people have even talked :stuck_out_tongue:


back home, i’ll give Soul and ISO and point out the things i find scummy

Hey I’m here for a tiny bit, going to a anime convention this weekend starting in like 30 minutes. So I should be most active during the mornings and night for Day 1. Once that’s over I should be back to my normal constant posting condition

Good I was starting to get bored.

I’m ready for this massive wall

No imo scum are always the focus here. NK knows how scumsided this setup is and has to kill scum here tonight no matter what or they have no chance of winning. Killing a scum with lynch here puts it back to actual FOL Day 2 as it will be two scum instead of three. If the NK is alive he can potentially make it 1 scum or normal FOL Day 2 with a BD death. NK is the medium between scum and BD. If we lynch BD he needs to kill a scum here. If we lynch a Scum here, the option is more open, if he kills BD it’s normal FOL day 2 with two or so BD deaths based on what kill ability plus TKs. If he kills scum when we lynched scum. Scum could be wiped but that puts NK in a worse position since hes the last thing needed to win. So saving NK day 1 is almost always optimal

It’s not optiomal relying on NK late game yes nk is needed and I wouldn’t ever want nk to be dead late game, but early Nk means one less death for everyone.

I think you’re basing to much hope on nk getting a random scum killed.

By late game I mean if bd are almost out numberd.

But we get to that state a lot quicker if we have double deaths, just getting lucky that nk attacks evil isn’t good enough.

I find thiis post rather odd. I believe this could be him setting up for a possible push on Priestess who right now we have zero reason to suspect. This is what I would think if not for this post

I complete 180 turn imo. It went from a possible king push to saying they shouldn’t be lynched.

This could be an attempted derp clear as if he was scum he would know if he would get a convert or not. It seems like a question I would ask just to be sure. While I don’t buy it and it could possibly point to him being town.

Slight push to attempt to find solo scum instead of group scum. Don’t think its WIFOM so i’m leaning towards if hes scum he’ll flip groupscum.

Clear pushing for a lynch. Lynching is mathmaticallty more likely to hit BD than scum. This can come from an aggressive BD sure but I don’t think Soulshade is that kind of bd player. So this is rather scummy to me.

Push on priestess. Make up your fucking mind. Do you want to lynch her or not?

This is common knowledge, we’ve had no trials for a fucking while. Stating the obvious to look towny. P scummy.

Good shade, blaming someone for something out of their control.

Painting it as Priestess is pushing for your lynch using flimsy reads.

Overall I find this slot a slight scum lean. The hints of a scum are there however generally they aren’t too scummy. It is still possible for this slot to be town however I doubt it.

Alright so this was me saying we need to gamble on priestess being GK Pointing out ek was horrible for us and that we need to be extra careful. I didn’t once push on Priestess and nothing I said was pushing on priestess if you look at the full post I said

I don’t understand how a neutral post on king is a push, funny you left that out

Well I dubunked the “Push”

While yes mathematically we are more likely to get a blue Dragon player it still doesn’t mean we shouldn’t lynch We also mathematically benefit more for getting scum then unseen benefits for getting us, playing passively and waiting a day to push results in the same thing just now you wasted a day and theirs likely two less bd.

I think we should wait on priestess I can call her scummy without voting I changed my stance on her at this point due to her content it’s pretty simple to understand that is it not?

While I agree, it’s still worth pointing out when people easily sheep and it’s risky for us to even lose one bd and I’ve been in a couple of fms were town would push and accidentally lynch someone, while obvious it’s useful.

It was clear that people were scum reading me at that point I didn’t like how you didn’t have any substance or real argument to voting me other then calling me inconsistent.

It felt like priestess was at that point I’m not scared to share how I feel about someone, but this is you’re most strongest point if that’s any achievement. I was pretty annoyed with the wagon on me at the time and I still feel like what a lot of priestess posts were just trying to take anything I say out of context to push me.

Overall weak arguments, feel like you rushed them and wasn’t prepared for me to ask for why I was inconsistent, yet again someone trying to take what I said at some point and then run with it.

/Vote Kai

This vote is a blatant, explicit OMGUS. I’m starting to lean less towards thinking this is LHF and more towards thinking this is scum.

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