[FoL] EFoL 3 - Cult Wins

y’all we got two days.

stop lynching someone.

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Quality reads I agree with them


Everyone who votes are scum.

That’s a lot of scum that spawned.

Ah well, we’re in a Solic game, can you really be surprised?

EK, 3 cultseen, 2 neutrals, 1 NK. Works out.


Dude what. @anon97870008



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Oh shoot, why do you have to be not BD this game, it seems you’re man of culture. PepeHands
But even if you were BD I wouldn’t give you my keys.

What what… did I say something suspicious or what?

Ugh am I doing it again?.. can someone give me a “BD for dummies” guide…

image At least jingle the keys for him.

Well, seems like you’re set on thinking I’m scum and yet I’m not.
This would be 3/3 recent games I’m considered scum D1… and in only one of those was I actual evil.

Your existence is suspicious.

Especially since you hired me as a Cult King but still.

@Arete Come here, be my “BD for dummies” Guide

Of course they suspect you as evil… you are basically me. Welcome to the curse.

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the actual fuck is this vote. I can’t tell if it’s a meme vote or a serious one. If it is serious then this is highly sus and magnus should probably be looked at closer when he does post

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Already pushed a bit on Magnus… read up on that, what do you think of it?

fuck let me re read that