[FoL] EFoL 3 - Cult Wins

No, he also panicked and claimed it was a reaction test and that he didnt know about the actual soft

We’ve gone through all possibilities already…
I think someone from the possible scumlists I posted is Assassin and bled me. Might be because they thought, that town won’t heal me anyways :eyes: best way to get rid of me, I guess. Might be a panic bleed… you have no idea how often I’ve seen panic bleeds in FoL already.

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Is there a reason you think its assa and not CL?

It didn’t really seem like to me you applied enough pressure to anyone to make them panick though

Nope. I’m just going with unseen already the whole game.
Idk really why someone wanted to bleed me, I’m such a nice girl :confused:

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There has been a Paladin soft. Unless further evidence contradicts it, we should assume it’s a Cult game.

I usually can’t notice or read softs. Then it probably was the CL.

Can I ask you all a very quick question?

This is not the first time the King has been bled Day 1 and then screamed at for being EK and pretending it.

Are we very sure Scum aren’t just learning and just bleeding the King to get this sort of reaction?

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Yes because last time that happened scum lost because of that move

To be fair though it was funny.

I’d like to highlight this one in particular because I haven’t seen ANYTHING from them.


Have they liked anything? They might be genuinely inactive

Nope. I do also remember previous games where Astand was inactive so its not an end-all-be-all but 0 posters scare me

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Accused Voters Votes
Kape Soulshade55r, Sulit, Kai_5, Sogman 4/9
Kai_5 Magnus 1/9
Magnus Kape, WazzaAzza, Frostwolf103, Possessed 4/9
Twil1ight Priestess :crown: 2/9
Currently Abstaining Players DatBird, Alice, AreteSlashStars, KyoDaz, Htm, Astand, H_Hja 7/17

Day 1 will last a maximum of 17 hours and 46 minutes longer, or until majority is reached.

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For future reference, please make sure to bold any intended vote change.


Alright going to do a mini catchup

I really need to get back into the game just been super busy with IRL stuff.

Alright I just looked through magnuses ISOS my impressions on them is that they are scum with the bleed while it could be a “panic bait” I don’t also like how fast magnus was to claim, claiming isn’t a good defence he should critique his push instead.

Also rather switch my vote off kape for now.

TDLR; Magnus man bad.

/Vote Magnus

Can you iso Kape again, please?

/vote Magnus

I’d like to have an execution today and Magnus hasn’t put up much of a defense especially since Physician doesn’t give feedback (if it did then I would perhaps reconsider) but he’s told us he could do something that isn’t confirmable. Additionally some people who I have read as potentially BD are voting this. Although I don’t think it’s nessecarily the best lynch it’s a good one.