[FoL] EFoL 3 - Cult Wins

@anon97870008 do you think it’s Unseen or Cult game?

You don’t need to ping me for your vote. Just bold it please.

stil this feels out of place to randomly make NAI read like that rather than keeping it as thought
plus you didnt explain why you thought that at the moment

Either he goes back into null territory or I’m going to keep considering him Town after those.

Fair enough.

I’m honestly not sure what to think of you tbh. My gut says town while my mind thinks you are scum.

Let’s just meet in the middle and go Null for now :^)

I feel ignored

I have a deja vu



keep the kape pressure coming the flood gates will open and We’ll find the holy grail

Can we get a VC?

Arete, when Solic is typing, it often means he’s already on it :wink:

Meaning, hoping that Scum will not be able to outvote us by d2/d3 like we predicted with starting Evil King in pre-game

Gut reading it as honest.

This was meant to be a reply…

If you had to quickhammer someone now and end the day immediately, who would you pick and why?

oh btw I have a long car ride on when I go to holiday and I’ve got a lot of stuff so I might be inactive at a lot of times tomorrow

Neither because half the court didn’t talk yet.

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@Soulshade55r GTH, who do you lynch

No one.

It’s 6 hours in

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Also btw I also noticed that Twi entered the thread with 2 posts and just left… what do we think of this?

If I had to randomly choose it would be kape right now but I really don’t know if kape is a good lynch