[FoL] EFoL 3 - Cult Wins

Its not the open claim, its the timing. Claims Phys, King is ‘bled’, then he claims to be willing to heal King.

Why? Did he take the scum signal and bite? After its brought up that its possibly a scum signal, he backs off. The whole interaction is weird.

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Wazza also open claimed Phys, and his timing and interactions seem more sincere. Possibility of multiple Physicians? Yes…but I don’t think this is the case.

I’m more concerned over him willing to sheep the king without any independent thought.

The town games I’ve seen him play, he’s usually mislynch bait and posts a bunch of stupid shit all the time, but at the same he at least tries to form his own thoughts rather than blindly sheeping the King.

If the bleed is real, this is 100% the case. No CL/Assassin with any amount of knowledge bleeds a King. Kings are trying to get townread D1 so you usually won’t see their actual alignment. Hell…this could be a real bleed on an EK. Whoever did this…their partner is also likely not active.

I think this points to Magnus as well considering that he’s one of the few players here that I could potentially see bleeding the King.

How does he act in scum games? I don’t think I’ve seen his scum game except for Fool…and we all pretty much knew that.

I’ve only seen him scum once in NDFM.


Basically, his scum game he basically just hedges and sheeps people while in his town game he is more forceful with his opinions as in RM3 where he kept tunneling James.


ISOd magnus and kape. im a bit sus of magnus here claiming out of nowhere and posting a lot of dumb stuff. but then priestess claims bleeding right after? very strange.
as for Kape i dont see enough evidence for me to scumread yet

He got mislynched in scp for sheeping if I remember right

Let me check



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I kind of disagree with this depending on the bleeder.

I can see Magnus as CL or Assassin just yolo bleeding you without asking his partners, and as per FoL rules once a bleed is posted it will always go through.

he claimed phys after he got pushed
Later after about hour priestess was bled and he offered to heal

Why exactly me and frost? Wouldn’t it be better to look at each vote and determine if they’re genuine scum hunting or scummy pushes

Am I the only one who feels uncomfortable reading this thread right now?

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Scenario where he assumes by default to heal bleed claim and then rethinks when someone says not to sounds much more likely

I don’t know I just have a weird feeling when I’m reading this right now.

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