[FoL] EFoL 3 - Cult Wins

Like there’s something up?

Yeah same

Must be work of enemy stand user

LOL, how did I miss this?

Yeah, if Magnus is BD or Neutral then Kape should be closely looked at. Scum usually pulls this shit as a way to create chain mislynches between villagers.

If Kape is Scum, I will not heal Priestess.

I don’t really like the thread movement rn
Something feels fake/off

like im being bamboozled

Nah, that’s not the same with me.

I’m just ill rn.

Anyway, I’d LOVE to read and all (no I wouldn’t) but I’m too ill rn (yes I am) and I’m working on my upcoming game (yes I am)

Anywayyyy, toodaloo’s!

I like how I pointed out how reasons for magnus wagon are NAI but it still exists

i cant read you if you d ont read

whats a nai

not aligment indicative

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Then odn’t read.

Big words.

Use little ones.

Do we want to pursue inactives at the point of the bleed to find the other scum instead?

So he goes with this first. It’s NAI. Y’all are talking about how Magnus is inexperienced/inactive. If he was this, he wouldn’t pick up on the EK signaling before all of us had. This just doesn’t seem scummy to me. It seems like too weird of a thing for scum to try, and it seems to have a good motivation behind it.

For those scumreading his for this.

Doesnt he do this EVERY

Shouldn’t you guys KNOW
that he does this

It should be NAI.

Cool. So the reason you guys are scumreading him is because he offered to the heal the king, the person he said he’d sheep. If he picked up on signaling then backed off, don’t you think we would have seen the signaling too?

Alice you literally admitted he pulls stupid shit that gets him mislynched a lot. How is this different? This just feels like a push trying to get rid of a Phys. It has way too many people okay with the wagon for it not to be scum motivated.

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She needs to be resolved without someone gaining an alibi.

things that dont point to ones aligment

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