[FoL] EFoL 3 - Cult Wins

Is it just me or does magnus’s ISO reek of scuminess

As soon as I told Magnus not to heal Priestess, he backed off…like he didn’t want to be associated with healing her. Its scummy. If he didn’t bleed her, he wanted to claim the heal from EK and understood her signaling.

what would you consider the chances of magnus flipping scum

He didnt back off he asked Who would be king if that happened


I assume this is What was implied

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Not something alch claim will retract trying to heal Priestess (not saying he claimed alch)

@Magnus are you an Alch claiming Phys? I would rather not waste time on a Neut so please claim if you are one.

Okay, I just woke up, I’ve skimmed the thread, there’s a couple of posts I want to respond to in more depth but:

  • Please stop openclaiming, we tried this in FoL 23 and it didn’t work, like, at all
  • Cult/Unseen spawn chance is 50/50 per the OP (unlike in ToL), but base spawn rates don’t actually matter because there has been a paladin soft



So, angleshoot-y reasons aside, this basically clears me of being the person who bled Priestess, because bleeding someone immediately after they accuse you is incredibly dumb and I would never do that. (Obviously I could be lying about that, but Kape’s played enough ToL with me to hopefully be aware of that.) Obviously, in the theory where I’m Cult(seen), I’d have scumbuddies who could potentially panic-bleed Priestess, but I am at the very least confirmed as not the person who individually bled Priestess.

Regarding Possessed’s theory: I’m pretty sure there’s been an FoL recently where evils bled the King to frame them? I don’t remember the number but I’m pretty sure it was the one where Maxwell was the Warlock.

I mean, you aren’t wrong that I’m playing a little differently then I’ve played some of my previous games – I’ve been trying to take the feedback people have given me (don’t shine a spotlight on people’s softs, don’t randomly hardclaim day 2, that sort of thing) and incorporate it into my playstyle, and obviously that’s going to mean things like ‘no 300-word wallposts dissecting someone’s soft.’

BD for dummies:

  • Don’t claim to be EK when you’re GK, in most circumstances (in some cases, doing it to bait out evils may be beneficial)
  • Don’t get bled?? I guess?? Assuming you’re actually bleeding, I’m not sure what you’re supposed to do when, you know, someone bleeds you

I personally read Priestess as GK right now, for what it’s worth, but that’s partially based on the fact that Priestess is the person I’m trying to read, so not everything is as alignment-indicative as it might otherwise be.


I just woke up

And I’m going get to reading all of these 211 posts in a second.

Why does Magnus want to sheep a king who could possibly be evil??

King’s bleeding.

That’s why I’m healing them tonight.

Why do people out like this when Kape specifically said no claims?

I out at the start of the game.

I believe Magnus is scum, that’s why I’m voting them and I’m going to heal Priestess.

I would have no evidence if I didn’t out myself so, me outing has perfectly fine reasoning.

Tbh LAMIST is only really telling when in Lylo. But technically it could be seen as an act of whiteknighting.