[FoL] Experimental Forum of Lies 2 ReDux - Unseen, Warlock, and Scorned win!

They can still use night action

Masquerade (Night) - Appear as the class, faction and type of your target to investigations tonight. Abilities that change the apparent class of your target will not affect Masquerade. Additionally, if you die tonight you will also appear as the class. You will not know the class of your target. - Infinite uses

That would mean they used it on observer

Plus that squid isn’t legit

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Also they got N1 right according to simon

Who is confirmed to not be mainfaction/lich

He could have used Hide but then Masquerade wouldn’t have worked if he didn’t used Costume Examination.

Costume Examination (Day) - Learn the faction of the player you Masquerade as at the end of the night, if you use it. This ability is affected by framing, unlike Masquerade. - 2 uses

That will appear visiting at end of night you see.

That doesn’t explain Simon actually, he might have been lucky.

So I think Squid might be Warlock.

There’s literally no reason for me to help scum anymore because the one target that’s still BD is dead

But he died at night so?

And if he’s Fool, then you aren’t Scorned.

1 Maxwell is not kind of person who would do that
2. He would have to masquerade observer 2 times for no reason when he would want to self frame wich makes no sense

Yes, he did, so the only chance for me to win and to help lynch Unseen is to hang Meteoro

He died so he can come up with any bullshit he can think off to confuse me.

He had observer logs in his corpse

I know Hjasik, I would have excepted better from Maxwell but apparently he trolled me at dead chat - Sam17z should have been visited me N2 but he doesn’t know that.

That makes all sense now.

/vote Met

Why would he randomly write observer logs as fool? There is no reason for that
Even if he costume examination did he would use it on someone else to get false invest results on him

I see so you’re N3 convert