[FoL] Experimental Forum of Lies 2 ReDux - Unseen, Warlock, and Scorned win!

still can kill and that’s what I like

scorned plz side with us

But if we keep met alive it’s guaranteed :thinking:

No, if I do, that’s gamethrowing of my wincon


Well Meteoro is confirmed Scum and if he’s believed to be Holder as well then it’s a win tomorrow.

nope, you can lynch met but still side with us :smiley:

/vote met

Yep, Hjasik is confirmed Aristocrat.

he wants Unseen majority with Scorned.

If we only had more town killers

You mean I’m siding with Unseen because I want a converted man dead? Okay?

If hippo isn’t BD we are so screwed

That is what Hjasik is doing yes, we don’t want that.

What do you think about me tricking you into outing sam ?

What about him? I got tricked by Fool and you took me advantage I got into something, but I am pretty dumb.

I don’t see how lessening the numbers of Unseen is scum-sided

Isaac I am actually on your side vote met with me

He voted Meteoro so Priestess won’t able to change target.

holy crap /vote hjas again

This is high lvl distancing

Vote met with me