[FoL] Experimental Forum of Lies 2 ReDux - Unseen, Warlock, and Scorned win!

sam being scum confirms nothing though

Sam’s chances to be MM are much higher than mine to be added.

Oh, don’t worry about it.

I’m pretty sure there has to be one healer per game.

if sam is scum, you could be, or you could not be

Shouldn’t you know that you’re not MM

If Sams scum then that’s a shame for me. I’ll welcome my death with open arms.

unless that was changed since i last played i dont think this is the case

I’m speaking from the third person, genius.

except you wouldnt necessarily be scum. you could be, but you could just as easily not be.
a scum lying about a check confirms 0

Thus, if you’re going with your plan. Sam should be lynched.

/vote Sam

You really don’t understand a thing do you?

Here, let me put it a way any idiot could understand.

lynching you provides a good amount of info regardless of your alignment. and thats the whole of it imo

sam’s only provides good info if their town

Yes, usually I would accept a death over info.

Even though I’m Physician, a class I hate, I still believe my life should be saved over information.

Who knows if I’m the only healer and you guys could be screwing yourselves over.

pretty sure flip incoming as I wake up. (Otherwise I’ll extend day)

Majority was indeed reached. Flip incoming in 20ish minutes or you can yell at me.

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I take longish showers. Flip coming now.

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Accused Votes Count
Meteoro MaximusPrime, PoisonedSquid 2/8
Insanity Meteoro, Frostwolf, Isaac, WazzaAzza, Hippolytus :crown:, Simon, H_Hjasik 8/8

Majority has been reached and Insanity was lynched!

Slow and steadily, the hooded man walked to guillotine. He had taken a vow of silence, so he had not uttered a word until he was lying at death’s door.

Rumours were swirling around the bystanders. “I heard a bounty was promised on this man’s death. Is the court doing it just for the money?”

“His vow of silence is clearly due his religion. We must riot this corrupt kingdom attacking our beloved pastor!”

Before the axe was about to fall, everyone went quiet, and the monk-like figure spoke up for the first time.

We are many. My death will make my successor rise and we will not rest until the true corruption of this kingdom is purged! Join our cause!

Insanity was the:

The Mastermind :shield: :crossed_swords:

Unseen Special
Can’t Touch This (Passive) - Immune to death at night, occupation and target changing. Occupations and target changes on you will appear successful and You will know if someone tries to occupy you or change your target.
Lurking Presence (Passive) - You will appear to be a Blue Dragon Investigative class to investigations for the first 3 nights. When you die, the Starting Assassin will take your place if they are still alive.
Dirty Work (Day) If there are no more Unseen members left, you can become The Assassin at the beginning of the night. - Infinite Uses
Convert (Night) - Change target player into the Unseen version of their class. If you have failed to convert a target twice already and your next conversion would fail it will instead target a random convertible player. - Infinite uses, 1 night cooldown
Foresight (Night) - Determine a player’s converted class type, or if they cannot be converted. - 4 uses
Your objective is to defeat the Blue Dragon and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.