[FoL] Experimental Forum of Lies 2 ReDux - Unseen, Warlock, and Scorned win!

Vote gamer,I’m lynched tomorrow,you the day after

Cant man

That would be game end

You are making too many promises…that you cant keep

Its almost impossible that the game doesnt end after tonight

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Hippo did say he would help lynch Met as well, so perhaps the rest of the Unseen will keep their promise after all

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I asked solic,It won’t

I never promised anything.

I am ok with lynching celeste tommorow

Anyway, the main reason why I had to out myself was because people were starting to think Met was Fool or a Neutral, and I couldn’t have that line of thinking continue. Even others had understood my position

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But Met and Hippo did, aka 2 Unseen, 1 that has two votes

Lich dies today, game instantly solves as King is Unseen and BD have no chance of winning (if there are any left)

I’m 95% sure game solves tonight

Actaully, I’m dead tonight since bleeding


We realized and did that on purpose

If that’s the case… we can try to let the Lich win and not get stomped on by the people that have harmed us for no good reason

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Ik, but I’m saying the game isnt going on because of me

Thats just another non-important kill

Still would result in gamend

0% lich wins


Well, if he’s bleeding, then what’s the point in wasting a lynch on him?

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You revive if you die from bleeding, no?

To seal the deal. I dont want a dead unseen on my hands