[FoL] Experimental Forum of Lies 2 ReDux - Unseen, Warlock, and Scorned win!

why did they have to nerf noble

He will win if he votes Met and he helps Neuts win


I love how we’ve come to the kingsmaker point with 11 people alive


Also gamer can just kill waz

It’s better to kill Frost since Wazza also dies

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Hippo can guard tho

Then guess who dies in his place

/vote frostwolf

Yes, but he could have ran out at this point

He used one last night


nice vote you got there

Funny that if Frost dies, Wazza also dies making your “risk” much bigger than lynching Met

Why would you wanna risk killing 2 unseen members?

They get a new convert immideatly after

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he’s just tryna not help squid

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So basically, he wants to risk everything he stands for just so he can see me lose
sips tea
What a fool

Why cant a help a blue dragon? Why does it have to be squid

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If Simon can secretly heal me, Please do

You arent looking at the big picture

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