[FoL] Experimental Forum of Lies 2 ReDux - Unseen, Warlock, and Scorned win!

Anyways my vote is still on frost incase bd want a unseen lynch

They lost majority And cant prevent unseen from having it

So it counts as win for unseen

Just like newbie fol

Solic said it doesnt end. Ask him in your dms to confirm my statement

BD loses as soon as they lose majority and nothing can be helped to stop that.

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NK + BD losing means game ends since it wont Continue for neuts goals

I’ll be heading to my Bio class, see ya

He’s not allowed to tell you that tho

I sense a lie

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We gave him a hypothetical which is coincidentally identical to the one we are in right now and he said it didnt end

Look newbie fol all BD didnt die there either

So ask solic. Why take my word for it

what was the senario then

we cant ask him without knowing the senario

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That doesnt make Sense if BD cant have majority in Any way they lose wich they did already if NK loses too unseen wins And hame ends

ASK SOLIC. Dont take my word


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Give him a hypothetical which is coincidentally identical to this one