FoL Feedback Thread

I would actually love to see Druid and Demon folded into the Sorcerer. Maybe like this?:


Neutral Killer
Passive 1: Mage Armor - Immune to death and bleeding
Passive 2: Perseption - If you would die as a result of your action you will instead do nothing

Day Ability 1: Walking Bomb - Plant a bomb on target player. Cannot target King (Unlimited)
Day Ability 2: Circle of Death - Magic missile will also kill players visiting your target (2 uses)

Night Ability 1: Magic Missile - Kill target player (Unlimited)
Night Ability 2: Detonate - Kill everyone with a Bomb planted on them. Bypasses death immuntiy. Does not count as an attack (Unlimited)


That seems reasonable

Canā€™t they just always walking bomb and kill and just be a better one KPN

They would never be seen as visiting as well

They might as well remove Druid at that point


Explicitly part of the suggestion

Just like in ToL is it more efficient to Bomb and then Missile

I donā€™t think Sorcerer needs circle of death and bomb. I think Bomb is powerful enough


Fun fact, I was playing TOL as reaper and got 4 circle of death kills night 2.

I won

Letā€™s give them a choice between more KPN and disguising themselves.

Option to make them appear as whatever class they want to, and to not be seen as visitng OR a bomb :thinking:

Thatā€™s better

I feel like the current neutrals in TOL (except alch and probably fool) are well suited for FOL - Although Pretender might need a rejig as I feel it is too weak. and Scorned needs a goal change.

Giving them both would make them hands down the strongest nk
so i agree
Demon is fine with like 1-2 small buffs
no reason to move the werewolf kill ONTO the arsonist replacement

Also I think FoL should get the class cap change like ToL does; all non-unique town classes have a cap of 3 as normal

I donā€™t know about thatā€¦ Attacking king seems to be even more of a risk in forum games than regular ones. Pretender should probably be better here.

You say itā€™s more risky, I feel role is too weak :thinking:

How so? They can change the course of a game by eliminating a king


Neutral Killer

Wall of Nature (Passive) - Immune to death at night.

Mark of the Wild (Day) - If player is not dead by the end of the next cycle, gain a use of Natureā€™s Retribution. - Inifniite uses, 1 day cooldown.

Striking Vines (Night) - Kill a player. - (Infinite uses)

Natureā€™s Retribution (Night) - Kill two players or absoloutely unstoppably kill one. (0 uses).
NK goal

now itā€™s not copying Elecā€™s niche and instead somebody elseā€™s!

whatā€™s it meant to be copying

my guess is reaper since it bypasses protection