You want to make a new class and remove the priest(who is extremely OP, and was removed from maingame for these reasons?) Maybe replace the old Priest with this priest?
wait, it isn’t?
Ashe I was having a Marl moment, i realize this later in the thread
just saw lul
so then ezpz solution is to delet priest and make squire & page be able to take uniques
Better idea
replace the maid with the ‘Ani-Maid.’
A maid who has a post restriction that forces them to make anime references a certain number of times per day
Great idea let’s give a prince 3 executions, meta is to kill the prince and then have 6
or let Maid be chain parity imstead?
with gems to include such as
fr tho just delete priest
Squire is just backup it can be non-unique provided it can’t remember uniques
But Backup Prince is always fun and interactive.
Or just rework the Priest so they stop being cancer. Right now they can essentially confirm themselves along with another BD while also erasing any punishments for BD’s misplays or bad WIFOM here.
There’s no skill involved in playing the current Priest and right now it’s worse than ToS’s Ret as they also have a one-shot night immunity here and also double as a Medium.
I second this.
would add on but Alice said everything that needed to be said
Wait Alice wth
The what now, Parity cop thing?