FoL Feedback Thread

We need this to be a thing

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What would it do?

Ashe has been executed anyway. She was The Alchemist but every time she yolobombs it gets faster



but waste a charge? GENIUS

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End up Day with No Lynch. EZ

too fast

Bastard game!

My Decide Fate Abstain should work.

parl died of the mlague

Iā€™m out now because everything is too slow lol

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In all seriousness
If you have any good cult alt ideas for chronomancer fire away :thinking:
Thereā€™s a bunch of cool things you can do with an evil time theme

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At least let it carry over on targets the Princess had flirted prior.

Itā€™s a tiny bit better then

I would stray away from speeding up time in the day ending it faster, thatā€™s just bad idea

Someday weā€™ll reach a state where nobody complains about the setup and just want it hosted :^)

Accelerating a bleed to kill in one night?

:eyes: I see what you did there. :wink:

Effective and likely to be a thing
but LAME!

I give you ā€œEvil Time Manipulationā€ and you come back with ā€œuh make em bleed out faster!ā€


Iā€™m here to criticize all your ideas, not to be pshh inventive.


Good. Another class to Pallarel Universe Dream!

Delay all non-cult feedback by 1 night?