FoL Feedback Thread

The Warlock also needs a dayvig. Discuss.

No, that’s why carnage is there.

Warlock should have unlimited redirects though, OR make it so he gets rid of redirect immunity as well.

dayvig = instant confirmability to their teammates, which warlock doesn’t really need imo

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Do you think SS could use it too? I could go either way on it

Prince fake claim warlock
do it

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My suggestion was in jest, lol.

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fair :stuck_out_tongue:

I wonder why you from all people bring this up…HMMM

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Besides it isn’t games fault Warlock isn’t good at finding Defence Attorneys.

Experience is a perfectly valid reason to request change :stuck_out_tongue:
Plus, n1 deaths are lame on non-town #changemymind

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Then can I request to give passive to Nobles/Aristocrats/Apostles that if Firekitten is in game remove their vote cuz #OrderFirekitten is still valid strat.

Forum of Lies Fake News

Kitten votes are worth 0.75* a normal vote


Unless you’re a Masochist…wait…ummm

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don’t remind me of my foul creation :^)

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B-But I like foul creations… :frowning:

masochist was a grand idea tier class, please go back in time and change my mind

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Everyone makes mistakes
Glances at OwOmancer and current Alchemist

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No reason, just Came out of nowehwrw
