FoL Feedback Thread

Why did you get rid of all the counters to priest

Because losing their only use of revive from it was too effective imo
Although the other avenue that Iā€™ve just now thought of is making it infinite use but locking it off once a successful revive goes off, so if the change is majorly unpopular we could always do that instead

(also, Alcoholic still exists)


BS because thatā€™s a small chance of a convert. Infinite uses but locked is better

Yeah, but I was refuting getting rid of ā€œall the countersā€. I also put it at the end for a reason basically :stuck_out_tongue:


Wait, what happens if a drunk redirected a priest before and they died

Good question :thinking:
I almost want to say it would revive them just because of how serendipitous it would be lol


Also thatā€™s a good reminder to actually have a list of what order all the abilities go in so Iā€™ll probably work on that at some point

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Reviving someone would go last, because killing people canā€™t target a revived person

I started it a while ago but weā€™ve changed a lot since then

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Because the Scorned and Devil are way too similar

Also scorned is just a easier devil

Also the Scorned has rng targets which is bad

They just need to be combined

Itā€™s still very much easier, as it has perm night immunity, and has plenty of time to get their target lynched.

Heā€™s in a timer as he canā€™t even win if heā€™s attacked N1 and N2

Honestly though just combine them

The Scorned
Neutral Social

Resolve (Passive) - Immune to most occupation and redirection abilities. Immune to death at night. This is lost when you achieve your objective.

Frame (Night) - Make your target appear suspicious to investigative classes. (Infinite uses)
Bait and Switch (Night) - Silently cause all players targeting one of your targets to target the other. Bypasses redirection immunity. (3 uses)

Your objective is to live to see 3 members of the Blue Dragon publicly executed, or to live to see the Blue Dragon defeated.

Can we give it a day ability to spice it up?


Also why is bait and switch helpful if invest are notified

That should be silent - do we still notify here?

Lemme fix that

We still do, itā€™s 10x more helpful as silent.