FoL Feedback Thread

What happens to DF

Yes yes yes yes Iā€™ll be able to fake claim prince effectively now

it gets reworked into something thatā€™s still strong but more fitting of the new system

Like an executioner type ability and a person only needs a certain amount of votes to execute right away?


or maybe some sort of auto veto or something, idk yet

or maybe King could have 2 day abilities: one to prevent player from being voted that day and another to give another player an extra vote for that day

Decide Fate Execute:If a player has 1/4 of everyone alive voting them they shall be executed right away.

Decide Fate Pardon-If someone reaches majority, stop the lynch and that person canā€™t be voted for the rest of the day.

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thatā€™s stupidly weak compared to DF lol

Donā€™t ever give this to king please, evils will have to waste two nights to kill him, guards should be his only way of a vest imo

do you not know what veto means


Thought it said vest


cats canā€™t read

ā€œI decide my own fateā€
*puts on body armour*


Trials and King belong to TOL and FOL. Itā€™s part of its identity. If you remove either then it isnā€™t FOL anymore.

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thatā€™s a little bit overkill lol
considering you still have to get someone to trial to dfe currently
I was thinking maybe letting them hammer vote when theyā€™re already voting might be a nice replacement
your pardon is perfect though :ok_hand:

edit: although I guess that doesnā€™t factor in people with extra votes so itā€™s not too bad in terms of evil/devout king just outing and being like ā€œletā€™s kill this guy lolā€ :^)

Trials are in ToL so BD can actually have a winrate instead of quickhammering everything.

Since FoL is more organized (along with having mechanics NOT in ToL) the comparison isnā€™t necessary.




FoL is secretly just a special rolemadness format :^)


I can understand an argument for the existence of the king but trials are in no way tied to ToL/FoLā€™s Identity

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