FoL Feedback Thread

… that still needs to have some semblance to TOL.
King, trials(and Conversion) are part of the core functions of TOL. Consequently, you must keep them in FOL or it is … not FOL but something else.

you have king
you have conversion
you have a bunch of other classes
you have the faction names


They are. The lynch style IS one of the most important things in a game like this.

FoL has never been “ToL but on a Forum” anyway


also false
if it’s conversion based, uses at least some of the same classes/factions and has a king, it’s still ToL related

and I’m not even so sure about the King part tbh

FoL needs Millers.

Especially informed omnimillers with infinite use dayvig.

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The point of the trial in ToL is to give the accused time to defend themselves so their messages are not washed away, it is good in a short form game because it gives everyone a chance to think

FoL is much more long form, and therefore these issues don’t occur and trials are an unnecessary artifact from ToL


No it is TOL but on a forum with a few class changes due to forum restrictions and some new classes that might once be used in TOL.
It still has:
Cult and Unseen
no VT’s

Trials are the least important thing in that list when it comes to ToL’s identity

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A FoL needs:

and BD.

An SFoL needs:

and maybe BD.

edit: I’d say the most important thing about being a FoL is the passive/day/night 2 max type system tbh
Without that it’s not the same thing at all

all those things help ToL stand out among the crowd when it comes to mafia-style games

except trials

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But in FOL you still could be quicklynched otherwise without having time to defend yourselves… because in FOL no one is around 24 hours. As such it still has an important function.

if the BD are going to quicklynch before you can get online then they’re shit players


we do not balance around shitters


since this is FoL not ToL especially
we can trust in our players because there’s a lot less of them and they’re a lot better on average

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… unless you are actually evil and could try to defend yourself…

Town of Salem has trials
Camp Cadaver has trials (last time i checked)
SC2 Mafia has trials
Literal Actual Werewolf you play IRL has trials

it is not a critical part of ToL’s identity


looks at my scum games

dies inside

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they’re still shit players

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yeah but you don’t gamethrow, cheat, play without thinking etc

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