FoL Feedback Thread

Am I talking to you?

Wow, harsh

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Mole said to make my own and i already have no need to be sarcastic

If you’re worried about being quicklynched don’t play with shitters

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Have you forgot hjasik plays this xd


exdee epic kek


All I would say is that the Black Rose Team will, in MUN language, remain actively seized of the matter - No change is permanent and irreversible.


This is so sad can we keep trials in fol

We’ll run an amount of CFoLs without Trials and see what happens

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I mean take stuff like Masochist. We tried it, it sucked, we got rid of it (In spite of the fond place it held in my heart as my now second easiest FM/FOL win)

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Not thinking that making DF a tool to end the day quicker really fits the flavor of it.

It’s the King taking control of the situation, and bypassing the legislative through their own decree. It is tied in with how trials work. Don’t really think DF can be reworked to function similarly without being extremely weak/strong.

Pretty sure we should find something else to put in its spot. Ideas?

/pets Luxy
we will test it
if we don’t like
we revert it

Do an efol at least first

3-4 I’m thinking

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what’s an efol

Experimental Fol

hey it’s a reasonable question.