FoL Feedback Thread

scum doc wen


Maybe if scum could convert a healer

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i plan on working that into mm passive


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Prevention would count as protection too? Sage, Poacher, Soulcatcher, Herbalist and Enforcer can protect then. Some cult alts probably have things too.

Almost all of those evils can only protect other scum though

So why not open up that restriction too? Why should that need to be a restriction in the first place?

We donā€™t have the kiddie gloves for Knight CS or Prince execution, so evils should in fringe scenarioā€™s be able to protect non-evils as a bluffing mechanism or having neutral allies like alchemist siding with them.

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to prevent gamethrowing and healing a bleeding target :^)

also so visit prevention shouldnā€™t be abusable offensively

using it offensively is exclusive to sellsword / sage intentionally

We have forced replacements and a blacklist for proveable gamethrowing

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this is the real reason ā€˜:^)ā€™ implies non serious

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also serious answer about gossip: I donā€™t want it to confirm healers

Healers shouldnā€™t be hard confirmable ever

Actually this is not true. Out of those 5, 3 can protect non-scum. Herbalist should already be changed to being able to ā€œhealā€ non-scum, this is not even that clear in the classcard is it just death immunity?

ā€œProtectedā€ Doesnā€™t hard confirm healers like that then though if itā€™s defined as a basic unempowered assassin kill (not counting firewall) would not kill the target.

Actually why can Herbalist only target Unseen again?

we donā€™t balance games on game throwing

might as well make it so knights canā€™t cs till N3 and same for prince

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because imo herbalist is strong enough that it doesnā€™t also need to ability to confirm itself


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