FoL Feedback Thread

That defeats the point

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No to both

Insurgent is cool tho

Iā€™m just posting them here for reference later

I expect about 15000 ā€˜become kingā€™ neut suggestions whenever we talk about adding neuts

Something along the lines of: Become King AND BD loses for a wincon would be good

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Neut that protects from conversions and has to survive to prevent 2 conversion


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Right now Pretender is become King AND survive

Iā€™m saying to replace survive with BD loses

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Not that. Iā€™m talking about something different

There was the baron suggestion way back when that was about becoming king and making sure bd lost.

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So pretender but worse

for him it was become King OR survive AND BD lost

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it might have depended on iteration now that I think about it

We could add more variability between the scum neuts instead of strictly adding a new one.

Like make Fanatic have significant invest power but change their wincon to the become king and survive with BD loss