FoL Feedback Thread

but you can’t say don’t add a tracker because a lookout is better even though it’s not in the game

But if you are talking about a tracker and then pretending like that automatically means he also gets a type check every time then why can’t I put that aspect onto the lookout for comparison?

I don’t get it

you are arguing saying a class that doesn’t exist is better even though it doesn’t exist

Town Arsonist isn’t inherently guiltless

okay let’s make it guiltless

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My point is that your arguments aren’t supporting an arso TK, but rather a guiltless TK. There is to reason to make the guiltless TK an arso

to make it different from a knight

as well as an arsonist Killing 3 scum seems unlikely

Diversity just for the sake of it isn’t good design. It’s why I didn’t like the chronomancer.



wait meant to reply to you

And if we are adding a TK we should add one that actually improves the game through it’s ability’s.

Also Hunter is a guiltless delayed day vig when you think about it.

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I don’t see a town killing improving the game

it’s not the right type

Then why add a town killing?

idk solic said we needed one


can’t honestly remember

Wait I think it’s meant for claim space and arsonist is a great claim stalle