FoL Feedback Thread

Do you know how amazing it would have been if hjaisk faked being defiled and then I did as well and then Isaac flipped with those logs?

How about when they use Haemophilia

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Point and interest of those few classes are that you can change flip and it only depends if you can convince other or not with it

And someone randomly checking defile ruins it

What I was thinking in regards to a defile checker was that it would be a gamble night ability, which would set you back hard if it whiffed.

If itā€™s a day ability itā€™s just too consistent

incredibly weak

just make it Night Ability 2-Check the last person you checked class type.

That was after the fact.

That would have to have a clause about invest immunity, but thatā€™s reasonable

not really tbh

And whatā€™s the point of it to nerf defile ability?

Defile isnā€™t as strong if people consider its possibility more than just on paranoia lvl but they donā€™t thats why it can be powerful because ppl donā€™t take it seriously and now you just give them ability to check it

Mechanically confirming MM before n4 is just bleh

easy solutions

add special Bd classes
Make prince Special

Problem solved

Itā€™s because I want to phase out Priest eventually.

Maybe a bit too front loaded of a change

How is priest related to defile checker

It pretty much is a defile checker in its current state
Just passively

So Mastermind can claim Prince? :upside_down_face:

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If maraget can pull it off thereā€™s no reason anyone else canā€™t tbh

It can res defiled as BD?

No, it canā€™t.


let priest revive ANYONE, therefore allowing evils to be revived under the niche of them being defilled


BD Joat alch time :^)