FoL Feedback Thread

So then they lose their strongest ability in exchange for that info

Itā€™s arguably the best way to let skillful players talk there way back into the game :wink:

Maid checked you as not defiled gg

wp maid who mysteriously claimed D2 and said they would check if I was defiled and they died that night

They didnā€™t because phys healed that maid

also, that maid was my previous assassin


honestly would be hillarous

Your assassin confirms the mastermind as defiled and thatā€™s why they revive him

And then maid cc that info and youā€™re both outed

high risk high reward

I honestly donā€™t know why you are complaining, if you can set this up in dead chat and then thereā€™s no maid you are set. Itā€™s 100% more believable like this then it is with just a dead guy saying they are defiled

Because I donā€™t want defile checker

too bad I can already see my head going wild with my getting my master mind revived

I would normally agree with you but itā€™s more me wanting to do fancy high iq plays

thereā€™s a good solution to this

Night Ability 2-Check to see if a player is defiled-2 uses
Day ability 1-you will learn what your target class type is tonight as well (If someone is invest immune they show up as investigative)-2 uses


or we could just do this


itā€™s almost always better to check a person then check if a person is defiled

I just explained why I donā€™t want defile checker
And then you show me example of defile checker