FoL Feedback Thread

It would be awesome to be able to guard them to slowly and painfully watch them die

Like it, but will it be announced that they will be bleeding, because if someone claims Merc and target dies and someone says, let me have you as my Merc, and they start bleeding, then it confirms that Merc was converted. What then? :smirk_cat:

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Cult will simply bleed whoever gets a contract tbf


Thatā€™s why it reads ā€œLater that day.ā€

Also, Hunter can bleed and will be identical to this bleed and CL Bleed.

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You donā€™t instantly get bled the instant you accept a contract

Also, if you make the contract publicly known, people can frame the merc. This can even happen in unseen games as Assassin bleeds people.

Here wait I think I have a better Mercenary rework

Here it is

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Merc should not be able to recontract imo.
As it encourages bussing at a certain point to ā€œProveā€ with recontract.
Alsoā€¦ Hunter would admit to bleed.
The problem with this all is simpleā€¦
CL claims Hunter to save Merc convert, thereā€™s a second hunter = Death
CL claims Hunter to save Merc convert, thereā€™s a princess or a maid = Death
CL claims Hunter to save Merc convert, thereā€™s an observer or butler = Death

Bussing as a merc is fine in FoL isnā€™t it? Merc is neutral thereā€™s no problem with that.

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Itā€™s not really fair to your original contract. Read Mercā€™s wincon and then come back here.
You play to your wincon. Thatā€™s that.

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Bussing as a Merc is absolutely fine. Mercenary is a neutral class, not your guaranteed teammate.

If they think bussing their contract will give them better chances to win - So be it.

Just like bussing without permission is completely fine here. We donā€™t need the training wheels that ToL has.

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We werenā€™t even merc, so shush


Your wincon is to have your target alive at end of game. It doesnā€™t matter which target.

Or take a forth option and claim the CL bleed the merc contract to frame the merc.


Both Assassin AND Cult Leader can bleed. And good scum will use it against real Mercenaries who publicly recontract.
Notice Cult Leader + Assassin are ALWAYS present if the scum are still alive. Both keep coming back.

Also - If it happens early, you can just use Faustian contract to help up KP (if you havenā€™t claimed yet.)


There have been a lot of complaints (quite a few from myself as well) regarding the Spiritualist/Revenant and how un-interactive they are. They essentially turn the game into a round of coin flips once all scum are eliminated, and there is no actual way to tell who they are bound to. You canā€™t socially identify them as the bound targets do not know they are bound. You canā€™t mechanically find them since no abilities can.

Here are the 4 options that come to my mind.

  • Rework the revenant into a more interactive neutral killer.
  • Rework the revenant into a neutral with a different goal.
  • Remove the revenant.
  • Keep revenant as is.

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The neutral with a different goal would be ANTI TOWN btw. Not like Mercenary nor alchemist. Itā€™d directly have to do with the downfall of the blue dragon.

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I have no idea yet how this works with more interactive neutral killer and yes thatā€™s fine with ā€˜survive to see BD loseā€™ thing but would that means the abilities need to be reworked as well?