FoL Feedback Thread

Extremely accurate


im back i just got food

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are we blacklisted

This thread is to discuss FoL changes or suggestions for potential changes. Take off-topic conversation to the cookie thread.


Forum just Ate My message

Got it. So we make a 3rd executioner


Is scorned too easy?

What separates Scorned and Devil enough so that they make unique and impactful classes even when in the same game together?


Itā€™s invalid since Orange and FoL Class (Get it, Archer?) are one and the same.

Thereā€™s no competition who won

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Thereā€™s that thin little line between Scorned and Devil.

Devil need to lynch three unspecific BDā€™s while Scorned need at least one BD lynched out of two non-unique players.

Devil can change flip but requires effort to make it not too obvious while Scorned actually have Offensive-type ability.

Oh and I forgot to mention that Devil is certainly not to make deals with them, the moment they claim Devil, theyā€™re dead af since they can alternatively work against BD after all in exception being kingmaker in either NK or Unseen/Cult

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So essentially

Devil is better at fulfilling its role

And Scorned is just a slightly different version of much the same thing

So yes we agree and yes they should be merged

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Thatā€™s like saying Chronomancer and Physician are the same thing, so they should be merged.

I think not having the luxury of choosing who you can mislynch makes Scorned distinctly different, implementation aside.


Theyā€™re Blue Dragon roles, in which overlap and variety give scum more BD claim space, allow a critical role to be filled more often if RNG isnā€™t nice on rolling Physician, and ultimately act quite differently (Physician stops kills entirely, Chronomancer instead puts them somewhere of their choosing). Thus both have enough differentiation to justify their existence in the game, effectively acting as a Support/Invest and a Support/Killer, respectively.

This does not hold true for two Neutral classes, who give absolutely no benefit to the rest of the game by being so similar.

Agreed. They should be

No they shouldnā€™t

Does my body look like itā€™s dead to you? :^)

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Regardless of whether you believe Chronomancer or Physician is good at fulfilling the role, itā€™s undeniable that a second BD that performs a similar-but-different job can be good, while having two neutrals take the same niche brings none of those benefits to the table.

Scorned isnt always anti-town
Devil is

Thatā€™s exactly why Devil is better

The role these two classes are meant to fill is applying a different flavor of uncertainty to accusations and encouraging scum to make plays during the day

Scorned might just end up another BD, which means it can end up going entirely against that purpose for no reason whatsoever.