FoL Feedback Thread

It doesn’t.
You’re right.

Problem is that being sole healer claim makes an IC, just like Sheradin from before the change

Lets make prince convertable non-unique and non-guaranteed

I really don’t understand disregarding the dichotomy when it was the exact same back when guaranteed Sheradin existed.

Guaranteed this will spawn, but there could be more
Guaranteed this will spawn, but there could be more

It’s the exact same scenario, just with different classes


It is an option, not a requirement.
Prince isn’t turned into a healbot because of this.

When did I say it did

I may have construed your words incorrectly, but that is the vibe I got from this

Lets make So that there is super BD slot on wich different roles can be rolled And theyre different in their type

What is common in them is that they are
1 powerful BD role
2 confirmable BD role

For example We have prince for killing type And We will have another role for every other type

Claim space

We got rid of the Sheriff/Paladin just so we could avoid that

No I mean same slot

I have to go.

Or We can make prince JOAT And have abilities of different types

I don’t think people are really understanding a point about the new Prince change here.

If the Prince is taking their time to heal a bleed claim, they’re not occupying/killing a scumread. That’s a pretty big deal.

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Prince acting as a protective is also quite powerful

Now even moreso

Prince can self jail

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That’s not a bad thing?

I would much rather have a guaranteed healer like this than like a physician, chronomancer, whathaveyou.

Unless maybe the King protection can act as a heal instead?

Remove bleeding And replace it with poison

I’ll think about a solution to bleeds.

I don’t think making healer guaranteed is a solution that works.
Possibly add another class that could heal to increase the likelihood of a healer. Maybe a JOAT?

prince - ??
healer - ??
Random BD - ??


Might as well add in a healer slot at that point

Eh…it’s fine with the slight change really.