FoL Feedback Thread

That makes them more confirmable which is less wanted than this.

Guarantee them silently so It doesnā€™t confirm healers?

Thatā€™d be bastard. :smile:

Hard disagree

Plus confirmability doesnā€™t work like that

I mean,thatā€™ll be the same as rerolling inbalanced rolls

Ideally thatā€™s not something you ever need to do

It does work like that. If you are the sole healer claim, you are an IC for not NK/MM if itā€™s guaranteed.

Yes, evil can claim a healer handily, but simultaneously they typically claim killers/invest to go against Princess.

Itā€™s not as cut and dry as not guaranteeing Sheriff/Paladin, but we prefer this solution.

Then your setup is just inherently broken. This is not a GI turbo.

Except thatā€™s not true at all

Scum are replaceable, claiming healer is then pretty important

Converting a healer read also benefits

Plus, the cap is 2 of one kind of BD - add another healer and expand the effectiveness of claiming a healer.

Or Squire. That exists and also solves the problem better.

What you have missed is that centralizing this power in the Prince moves the swing from the setup, which can be fixed, to the execution. Dynamic errors are always going to be more unpredictable and more catastrophic than static ones.

Limiting it down to NK/MM is still a real problem. If the scum healer claim dies, it would still 100% confirm the other healer as not NK/MM if itā€™s guaranteed.

You can convert them, but sometimes itā€™s better to take some heat for your MM as third convert instead.

Squire was killed and added into current Priest and wouldnā€™t fix it, because they couldnā€™t materialize healing if no healers have spawned?

Well we did just add Alchemist :^)

They can when a healer is guaranteed

NFoL 2. Otb/Techā€™s paladin claim wouldnā€™t have been lynched (despite being extremely scummy) if there wasnā€™t a CC

Either that or consolidate power elsewhere in the setup.
Confirmed healers gets extremely icky when the meta is still massclaim

You know wolrd is no more when I agree with orange

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This isnā€™t much of a prince buff really.
Itā€™s a very weak counter to bleed effects, considering healers arenā€™t guaranteed.

Guaranteed healer is an interesting idea to think about, but we are moving away from confirmability.

Lets turn prince into mega healer instead of jailer

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How does it do that

It still confirmable And Most powerful BD role but instead of offensive/killing it does support

Using past games doesnā€™t work when the spawns would have changed