FoL Feedback Thread

Prestige (Passive) - Only 1 class with the Prestige passive can spawn

Maybe make it like Hunter where the cant pull rank if they night actioned. Or put it on cooldown where you cant use it for one day after using it

Yea, but weā€™re not putting that on all social classes period.


i didnā€™t understand

That doesnā€™t fix it much. That works great for Hunter, because their protection is at night and hunterā€™s ā€œconfirmabilityā€ is a direct detriment (having to bleed) to the BD typically. (NK/MM are bleed immune) Both scum factions can also fake bleeds.

Noble loses nothing by using pull rank, but itā€™s also the one ability that makes them have a great impact and is not so class dependent like both gossip (needs invest/offensives) and royal blood are.

ur prob gonna have to rework noble then

How about
Delet priest

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Priest is cancer


but itā€™s cool

No itā€™s not

Itā€™s confirmable cuz in unseen game nobody cares about ppl who are not MM/assassin and in cult it will be too hard to fake deadchat

Again, Mystic does that too.

Yes because whole point of mystic is to be confirmed his unseen version doesnā€™t have link and cult version literally says ā€œthis is throw away slotā€


Donā€™t add it to their card


Rework Priest into the coven Necromancer but BD

Rework Priest into Cult Leader but BD