FoL Feedback Thread

Does anyone here know how to code in Ruby?
I’m in a shitty spot since my go-to for tech stuff is out of the country

Why Ruby


The timer (showing when the last post was) can be removed, but last post label will still show. It has no id, so it can’t be hidden.

Not sure exactly why this was the conclusion reached, but it seems that it is written in Ruby.

This was reposting convo about updating stuffs


Can’t we just use discord server for that

We can and we probably will.
I don’t like that forum dms are unstable for running FM because of this, so I want to fix.

some people don’t have discord


just talk to the people who made discourse and ask them to make a setting that people can toggle

This is HTML

There’s a post on Meta.Discourse about this problem

what did they say and where is said post

Ruby looks like this:

We need to assign an ID to it so we can do stuff with html

Yep, the label still shows. CSS hides thing, not delete them
CSS is just how HTML content will look in the page, it won’t modify HTML by itself


I doubt someone would find out if we weren’t open on how to do it lel

This is very relevant to FoL before Solic posts

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This is not the thread for this, I don’t use Ruby

I’m so easy to read

what if i angleshoot secretly