FoL Feedback Thread

Neutral. I enjoy playing classes where my impact only affects myself.

stop dodging the question

villager or wolf, which is better?

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I said below town or mafia

this is a really important discussion not joking

I donā€™t enjoy Town or Mafia Tbh.

choose one

This isnā€™t a trapped question (well kind of is)

This is also a discussion not related to FoL anymore. Move it to the cookie thread please. :eyes:


I guess Town because it doesnā€™t stress me out.

The three best players on MU are generally considered to be Apoc, ladd and Newcomb. Do you want to guess what their favourite allignments are?

Iā€™ll bring it back to this discussion when he answers it; I need it to help balance fol watch


Icibalus I lost

You would accept that neutrals generally oppose the village, right?

he prefers neutral due to novelty, which indicates that he just wants to be a wolf but with none of the accountability, which makes sense given heā€™s Level 2.

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Correct. Thatā€™s WHY they are enjoyable. They are MEANT to swing the balance of a game.

Would an amnesiac be too swingy?

@Possessed when you finally get good at the game your answer will turn to being village your favorite alignment

Just wait

The 3 most respected mafia players on the largest mafia site in the world all prefer to play village.

Youā€™re 100% right Ici, not even gonna lie.

I work security. I donā€™t need the stress in my leisure.