FoL Feedback Thread

They are pretty much the same rules as was in old tol and they didn’t change those rule for reasons of contradicting each other, they changed it to make the game more simple.

Also right now visit prevention is the only way an Investigative doesn’t directly confirm occupiers

I can think more

I think I just like it because it makes court Wizard more of a protective class.

also it’s familiar and I like familiar and if it isn’t broken why fix it


So if CL uses Bleed Day 1 they can never use Disguise?

Also to add onto this.

Alch has to heal attacks to get closer to their win condition, they can’t even heal bleeds.

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I think it means that cl who are replaced share the usage with all cult leaders


Ah yeah. That makes a lot more sense, thanks.

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Also are the following classes:

  • Chronomancer
  • Court Wizard
  • Observer

Going to get Cult Alts that show up on the convert tab? I found it confusing during EFoL on which could be chosen.

Cult alts are especially created for BD abilities that completely wouldn’t fit on Cult like Paladin’s Test of Faith. All of those can still benefit evil relatively well or what cult alts would you propose?

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  • (Pocket Dimension): Mithras’ Grasp (Day) - If any of the Cult die tonight, delay their death for 2 nights. This will delay bleeding in addition to attacks. Deaths delayed this way cannot be redirected. The oldest Cult members will have priority. - 2 uses


  • (Ice Ward): Blood Wall (Night) - Prevent all visits except that of The Cult Leader from affecting your target. - 2 uses

Literally Wall of Fire but for the Cult

  • Observer Works by itself

I forgot that Alch even existed

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Honestly it’s not doing anything beneficial for the game.
Healers are inherently difficult to confirm, so while in theory making an interesting dynamic, it just sucks.

That’s of course without any games it has run in, but the absurdly low amount of days neuters any chance at completion.

I thought I replied to this, but I hadn’t.

Both are too powerful in my opinion. Mithras’ Grasp is also not very skillful to use (no targeting, just blanket cult). Cult Chronomancer can never redirect kills anyway, because they can’t take two night abilities as Ritualist.

Both work by itself as well. Cult Chronomancer can still protect themselves and one other cult from both bleeding and nightkills. Cult Court Wizard can use Ice Ward both defensively and offensively doing things like blocking killers/invests/offensives from Cult or using it to not let supports heal a player. In addition, adding that it can basically strongman convert and strongman kill, because Cult Leader can do both is just too much. It is already a very solid convert, as might have been evidenced by last FoL it being picked as a cult alt when Ritualist rolled as opposed to Physician/Chronomancer.

If anything Distort Reality needs a Cult Alt and not Time Warp, because at the moment it can never be used, so if anyone has any ideas. ^^

@anon97870008 you never explained this

I think it’s more on the fact that evils having been gaining majority early and that’s why there aren’t a lot of days, I don’t get how days are much shorter in fol then in tol games

We haven’t changed the KPN right?

I think KPN is about the same as it has been

BD execute every day in FoL and BD Killers kill more

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and it doesnt help that the recent mass claiming especially by killer roles every game is very counterable by the enemy faction depending on rng