FoL Feedback Thread

would reducing that to 2 be better to try and improve his chances at least

What does this mean?
The alch has to be visiting the right target? Can the alch be prevented or occupied? What about if he hits a jail?

INQ king is the best strategy

But if things get deleted, I canā€™t highlight anything. :cry:

I will Italicize it in classcards as doing colors extra is a pain.



Go all in

I feel the color pain its a lot to write out for a color and the formatting is weird with bolds and #s

Try to stay constructive with your criticisms please. This doesnā€™t help.

It absolutely does

Just because you donā€™t know my stance on the issue doesnā€™t mean the people making these decisions donā€™t :slight_smile:

Like I thought it was great from EFOL 3 and I think this is at least a right step in the right direction. Baby steps Orange

maybe one day we will get to no logs


Now if you would like to discuss the merits of limiting wills instead of removing them Iā€™m game

But itā€™s in no way a new conversation

Can logs include links?

I think its better than people only putting their entire reads in their logs and not in the main thread, Id say 500 characters would have been better cause at most u can like label 16 people into categories at like the most. Maybe like two word descriptions. But hey the less feedback the better

Oh god link to a twitlonger. As it is right now I linked to a youtube vid last game so normal links should be fine

Gaming the system will be handled by the host, aka no you canā€™t just link to a longer text file. Funny videos and whatever arenā€™t going to be penalized.


This is what I was getting at btw

its good to be the king

FYI if you try to include a link to a site I donā€™t know, I wonā€™t click on it and see if itā€™s against the rules or not, but just decline it.