FoL Feedback Thread

Also disguise

Please think before you answer >.>

Itā€™s near 10PM my time.
Iā€™m trying to respond anyway

It should now be clear why ā€œnegative effectsā€ is not a full-explanatory description :upside_down_face:

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But why

Consistency with ToL I suppose.


In fact not really needed, you are right. In ToL it led to confusion, but with limited feedback itā€™s not really a problem. :ok_hand:



Pretty sure it doesnā€™t.

ā€¦which is why we shouldnā€™t do this.

Well til now we always had it that we can distract the Prince, including a FoL match hosted by Solic.

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Your description is more unclear as the current description has occupy in it, which would be a lot more clear?

It was recently streamlined.

Yes, thatā€™s why itā€™s so awkwardly worded as self protection.

how could you not remind me I was NOT joking

The Actor (Or whatever what actors were called back then)

Day Ability 1-Enhanced Acting-Instantly become the class you want to be during the night-1 use

Night Ability 1-Acting-Study a class that is blue dragon and isnā€™t unique. The next night you will become that class for the next day and night. Afterwards your class will change back to this-Unlimited Uses

I donā€™t have a better name

This should replace squire change my mind

so its a one time one night change into any class?

:eyes: I ignore Fluff text alwaysā€¦

Ah okay so deleting Distract and replacing it with a day occupation was on purpose. I thought itā€™s just a way of wording the same thing differently, until a player told me.
