FoL Feedback Thread

Not that I am aware of. I reference Firekitten’s SFoL Necromancer’s Revenge, where I was NK Necromancer that sided with town, then unseen and then town again. It wasn’t gamethrowing of town to side with me there, since they didn’t have enough power to potentially win otherwise.

I wasn’t speaking about 3 faction situations or NKs tho :upside_down_face:

Neutrals that seek to do you harm are the Sellsword, Warlock and Neutral Killers.

Other Neutrals may do you harm as a side effect, but aren’t acting deliberately in order to optimize for harm to BD like those classes are

Oh does that mean, the game will be prolonged, if only BDs and these non-NK classes are alive?

That I’m not sure of.

But if it doesn’t it would qualify as auto-resolution rather than all wincons being fulfilled or impossible.

never again


It’s a terrible idea but hind sight is 20/20

What is auto-resolution exactly?

Hindsight is 21.2948729/20

Objects may appear closer than they really are

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who knew allowing dead and confirmed players to use abilities was a bad idea

When the game ends before all players have had their win condition or lose condition fulfilled.

Yeah, when is this triggered?

It’s only triggered when there’s no way for the opposite faction to win

As far as I’m aware it’s case by case. Though I know that if BD/Unseen/NK achieves their wincon then other neutrals auto resolve at a loss if they haven’t already won.

In ToL the inquisitor is an exception.


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I know that you can in fact metagame in FoL just based on that the game didn’t autoresolve

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I hate that but it’s unavoidable sometimes.

Can we just clarify that the neutral killing countss as the only neutral that seeks to do it harm

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The reason is sellsword and warlock can’t kill. They literally can’t win if blue dragon doesn’t hang anyone.

Blue dragon could literally keep no lynching till everyone uses their investigative abilities or anything else like that.

Wait they can’t win

It’s physically impossible