FoL Feedback Thread

Let me get their win con

At most they can get a stalemate. They can never see the blue dragon lose because the blue dragon needs to all die for that to happen, which is impossible since warlock canā€™t kill.

The reason we allow unseen to auto resolute a win is because the unseen will eventually be bale to kill the last blue dragon. Here the warlock can never defeat the last blue dragon, therefore it should be auto resolved to blue dragon winning since warlock can never win.


Well, in theory, you could have a situation with e.g. a Good King dying to bleed that night, a Sheriff dying to bleed that night, a Warlock, and an Assassin, where the GK + Sheriff hang the Assassin thanks to Grand Trial. If Warlock doesnā€™t prolong the game, then the game immediately ends with a BD victory; if Warlock does prolong the game, it ends after that night with a Warlock-only victory.


I always end game when NK/main evil faction is out. Never before that. Other case is when BD has no way of winning anymore and it kind of depends on the gamestate with numerous lost wolves in Sellsword/Warlock/Scum King in how clear they make it that they know of each other. I never take into account individual other neutral win condition.


In theory there could be a person who are conjoined twins who one twin commits murder. The likely hood of that happening is near zero but itā€™s possible.

Also yours is impossible since bleed takes two nights

In this scenario theyā€™re both dying to bleed that night, having been bled the previous day. The sheriff was probably bled by a Hunter or something.

whats going on

(To be clear, I donā€™t think that a lone Warlock should prolong the game.)

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You canā€™t bleed two people in one day

Yes, you can, with certain converts.

Also where did the hunter disappear to then

They got stabbed by the Assassin.

Yeah but we arenā€™t arguing that, we are saying thereā€™s an assassin and a warlock

Wasnā€™t hunter reworkded

Hunter has undergone various changes, but none of them make it permanently immune to getting stabbed.

Who was bled first the hunter or the assassin

Because if the hunter bled first then the assassin the hunter should have been guarded by the king from being confirmed

And if the asssassin bled first the hunter should have realized they would lose if they bled someone incorrectly

The King ran out of guards. Kitten, what does this matter, you know a hypothetical scenario exists.

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And I must find a loophole here solic itā€™s my job as a kitten