FoL Feedback Thread

So like:
D5: GK/Sheriff/Hunter/Assassin/Mastermind/Warlock live
Hunter bleeds sheriff
Assassin bleeds GK
GK, Sheriff, and Hunter vote out the Mastermind
N5: Assassin stabs Hunter. Hunter dies.
D6: GK/Sheriff/Assassin/Warlock live
GK Grand Trials Assassin, GK + Sheriff vote out Assassin

GK, Sheriff, and Warlock remain. If the presence of a Warlock prolongs the game, then the King and Sheriff will both die to bleed that night, resulting in a BD loss. If it does not, then the game immediately ends, with a BD victory.

The King might have self-guarded in this scenario to preserve votes.

Arete: your source of ridiculously nitpicky hypotheticals since 2000


Hereā€™s my question.

What happens if there is both a Warlock AND a Sellsword in play, but both the Cultseen and NK are dead?

Itā€™s not a stalemate since the Warlock and Sellsword can hypothetically convince the BD to all execute each other and then vote out the last BD themselves.

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Or if the Warlock/SS are alive alongside another neut such as an alchemist.

The Neut could allow the Warlock/SS to win, thus no stalemate.

Itā€™s only a stalemate if there is ONLY a single Warlock/SS and BD with no BD Killers besides Prince.

Also what about obvious stalemates?

Such as a Lone Cultist vs an Innoculated Prince with no Exeā€™s

I assume that in cases that cannot resolve in any way except a draw (e.g. that one), the host would autoresolve it as a draw.

I donā€™t like to assume

Well you can become jail immune, but you have no way to kill the Prince, if I see this right.

Iā€™d say autoresolve as cultist win.

Iā€™m not sure

Cultist win?

Iā€™d resolve this as a Draw.


Uhhh why?

This isnā€™t like ToL Poss vs MM where Poss will win but doesnā€™t have time to.

Cult literally cannot win even if the Prince deliberately tries to let them.

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This is coming from FM pov, since Iā€™ve dropped being on the team due to school.
Scum has parity and town canā€™t stop them, ergo they win.

Thatā€™s the case if itā€™s deathproof townie vs scum.

ā€¦But the FoL scum win condition isnā€™t to achieve parity.


Draw. These scenarios are never going to occur anyways and Iā€™m already proud if weā€™d ever reach 100 FoLs or so, so Iā€™m fine with host discrepancies here. :man_shrugging:

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Iā€™d also end the game prior to that. There are a lot of theoretical possibilities (a lot with lost scum in play), but playing against insurmountable odds, while unnecessarily prolonging the game for the others isnā€™t fun.

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Neither is the case for mafia in most cases when the setup isnā€™t designed with that interaction in mind.
Ergo the correct course of action is to define how all interactions play out in terms of endgaming

Got it.

Btw I wasnā€™t implying that itā€™s a problem to do it like that. It is consistent with how other non-NK neuts work after all (and I consider that to be auto resolution too yet donā€™t complain).