FoL Feedback Thread

Shouldn’t we change the wording of BD wincon (particularly the neut part) to make certain that the NK is the only neut that needs to be killed?


When it comes to figuring out how to resolve apparent stalemate instances I generally use the following flowchart:

  1. Hypothetcially COULD the game continue?

A: No - Auto resolve as a draw

B: Yes - See 2

  1. If we were to force the game down whatever route lets it progress would there be a clear winner?

A: No - Auto resolve as a draw

B: Yes - Auto resolve with that team as the winner

We totally could.

It’s technically fine either way but it’s more clear that way.

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Oh yeah. This implicitly checks to see if someone can force a win before even asking those questions.

Thus in the case of ToL Reaper (not bleeding/snared) vs MM:

Reaper 2+ Souls - Play it out

Reaper 1 Soul - Auto resolve Reaper win

Reaper 0 Souls - Auto resolve draw

Yes this means being a Reaper with exactly 2 souls is slightly worse than a Reaper with exactly 1 soul. This would be a case where an exception might be appropriate but that’s where stalemate resolution gets me

That’s not the unseen win condition.

Why are two souls worse and why are you auto resolving that

It isn’t auto resolved, it’s not a stalemate.

But it’s because 2 souls has the possibility of a Reaper loss while 1 soul does not.

Why would the reaper ever use empower when they can wait for the mastermind to try to attack them and just keep stabbing them

You need to do your math again, if you reap someone you gain a soul


If you are attacked with a soul you are healed

Waiting is the stalemate. But if he has 2 or more souls then he doesn’t have to wait.

And if you empower reap when you otherwise would have 2 souls you will be attacked with no souls.

How is two souls worse then one

You can’t empower if you don’t have two souls

1 soul is a stalemate because he can’t force the MM’s hand like he can with 2 souls. Thus it has to auto resolve which would be in his favor for the same reason as possessor.


Empower takes two souls

Reap gives you one

You can’t use empower without 2 souls

2 souls-2souls+1 Soul for reaping a soul 1 Soul for being attacked=0 but still survives

Not how that works. You gain the soul AFTER the night.

Otherwise you would never die ever no matter what.

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